Monday, March 29, 2010

Baylist 2010. Vote for us!

Split Pea Seduction

                Check Split Pea Seduction out on the BayList!


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,

    I love the food at Split Pea. I work around the corner and I'm in there a few times a month. I've recommended you to friends and coworkers. Until today, I would've called myself a loyal customer.

    Your tomato puree soup is my favorite, so I was excited to see it on today's menu. But I got to the restaurant, ordered the $4.75 soup, pulled out my credit card ... and was told there was a $7 minimum for credit card purchases. Normally I'd be happy to pay cash, but I only had $2 on me. Instead, I politely told the guy behind the counter that charging a minimum was actually not allowed according to a merchant's contract with credit card companies--because it isn't, but a lot of merchants don't seem to know that. His response: "You wanna push me on that?" No, I didn't. I left without my soup.

    I understand that Split Pea needs to make money, and I'm happy to support any local business that is fair to its customers. But you've lost a lot more money by turning off this loyal customer than you would've if you'd let me get my soup today, or if you'd at least been more polite in the transaction.

    Here's an article about how merchants are not allowed to require minimum purchases:

    And here is the rule, as stated by Visa:

    Let us know if you do start to follow the rules. I'll come back! So will my coworkers.
